We are excited that you are considering joining or have already joined the Restoration family on this wild and wonderful journey of following Jesus. Below you will find “Next Steps” that will help you learn more about who we are, bridge connections with other Restoration families and staff, as well as make you aware of ways to get involved.

These are in no particular order but do ask that you consider making each one of these a priority.

  • Welcome Lunch

  • Four in Four

  • Trusting Jesus Practice

  • Join A Team


Are you new to Restoration, have been around for a while, and are ready to learn more? Join us Sunday, April 7, immediately following our last gathering, for Welcome Lunch. This is the perfect time to connect with the team, ask any questions you may have, and hear their hearts as they share the vision and mission of Restoration Church.

No Need To RSVP

Is Restoration your home church? Are you looking to call it home? Four in Four is a tangible action designed as a great next step to get plugged in. At Restoration, we believe powerful things happen when we gather at a table and share a meal or drink. We believe that through sharing meals with four different people or families at Restoration, you will have an insightful grasp of the heart and culture of our church and church family.

Want to participate in something like this? Please complete the form below so we can match you with a Four in Four Guide. Your Four in Four Guide will share your first meal with you, help coordinate the remaining three meals, and will be there to answer any questions you have along the way.

  • Meal One (Your Guide): Someone in your same stage of life to share a meal and connect over your similarities and enjoy the differences that make us all unique.

  • Meal Two: Someone in a different stage of life from you. There is so much value in meeting with someone who is either further along in their ‘journey of life’ or, maybe, a few steps behind. Share a meal or drink and enjoy the beauty of building relational bridges with those in a different season of life.

  • Meal Three: Someone on a team you might be interested in joining or that is on a team that impacts you. Maybe you’ve been interested in joining Hospitality or have kids and value the RKIDS volunteers. Invite someone on a team to join you for a meal or drink and learn more about what being a part of that team is like.

  •  Meal Four: Someone from our church staff or Elder team. Due to limited scheduling and staff numbers, this is the last meal of the four.

Once you have completed Four in Four, come to “The Wall” on Sunday morning to pick up your completion gift!


If we take following Jesus seriously, then we must not settle for merely knowing things about Jesus. Rather, we must do the things Jesus did, and practice His way of life. Trusting Jesus is an essential and life-changing part of Jesus’ way of life.

1. Trust Jesus With Our Mind
2. Trust Jesus With Our Hands
3. Trust Jesus With Our Heart
4. Trust Jesus With Our Sin
5. Trust Jesus With Our Time
6. Trust Jesus With Our Stuff

Trusting Jesus is a 6-week practice where, together, we journey through what it looks like to:

Join our next “Trusting Jesus” practice July 7th, 2024 during our 9 AM gathering.


You’ve heard it said, “It takes a village….” That couldn’t be more true when it comes to our Sunday gatherings and yearly events. If you would like to partner with us and help serve, please take a moment and complete the “Join A Team” form below. Not only does this allow us to cultivate your God-given giftings, but we also get to partner together on this journey as we learn to love and serve people well.